Lam Muk Sam, a once-successful but now unemployed car salesman, hits rock bottom after losing his job during the post-pandemic economy. Initially reluctant, he is persuaded by his daughter to start a new business called “Uncle for Rent.” As Lam Muk Sam and his group of friends—each with their own unique skills—help clients solve their problems, they rediscover their own values and passion for life. Through this venture, Lam Muk Sam not only helps others but also finds a path to clean up his own messy life and reconnect with his true self.
Other Name: 出租大叔
Released: Oct. 14, 2024
Network: ViuTV
Genres: Drama
Cast: Alan Luk, Anjaylia Chan, Chan On-ying, Crystal Cheung, Garie Shum, Johnny Hui, Ko Hon-Man, Li Sum Ling, Max Cheung, 陈子丰